Global E-commerce Experts

Global E-commerce Experts is a world-leading agency that provides a complete e-commerce management solution for those wishing to expand in the US, UK and EU.

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English to EU Country Languages – Amazon Listing Translation

It’s not uncommon to see the UK doing vastly better than the other 4 European Amazon marketplaces; Germany, France, Italy, and Spain. 

But despite their size and language differences, you should still expect to see; Germany, the next largest market, to be reaching 80% of the UK’s sales, with the general rule of thumb being that the French, Italian and, Spanish marketplaces are each at around 20-25% of UK sales.

If this isn’t the case for you. This is a must-have! 

Only one-third of the world speaks English, and all customers expect you to address them in their native language. According to a recent survey, 80% percent of customers would rather buy products if the product description is in their own language.

Because of this, it’s absolutely essential to translate all aspects of your listings into the native language of the countries you are selling in. Localizing your products make your listings sound more authentic to your customers, therefore, it can increase your sales significantly. 

Every product on Amazon needs the following:

  • Title with good keywords to increase SEO
  • Bullet points (aim for the max allowed, 5)
  • Description with the details of your product

In order to expand your business to new markets, you need to translate your Amazon product listings to the target languages of the markets you want to sell on.

That’s why we have a 3 step approach to listing Translation when expanding into the EU. 

What options are available to you? 

  1. Google Translate: Google translate is quick, free and accessible to anyone!
  2. Global E-commerce Experts Standard Translation Service: Our translation team provide accurate, human translations service in your desired countries native tongue. Price dependent on word count. 
  3. Global E-commerce Experts Full Translation & Market Research Service: Our full Translation and market research service offers in depth translation research to find out what words have the best SEO on Amazon in each marketplace and accurate human translations, optimised with Amazon’s character limits in mind. 

Step 1:

Google Translate or similar free translation software

Pros Cons
Completely FREE! – We recommend you use Google Translate to launch your products. ✘ Accuracy – As the translations are carried out by software, it is not always 100% accurate. 
​Easy to Access – Anyone can use it! Just type ‘Google Translate’ into your search bar.  ✘ Low Traffic – You may experience low traffic to your listings due to the translations not coming across in the native tongue. 
Instant Results – The translations are completed instantly, no waiting around! ✘ Incorrect – Some words may be translated incorrectly/not at all.

Step 2:

Global E-Commerce Experts Translation Services

Pros Cons
Accurate – Our translation services provide accurate translations in native tongue.✘ It’s Not Free – Our Translation Team are experts – we can’t ask them to work for free!
​Increase Your Traffic – Human translations ensure that the listing comes across in the right way, shows up in the right search terms and uses the correct wording for each particular language.  ✘ Time – Depending on word count, you can expect your translations to take anywhere between 1 – 7 days. 
Build a relationship with your customers – Our Translation services will enable you to build trust with your customers. 

The prices for this level of Translation per Language can be found below along with the estimated delivery time. (Referring to working days)

English to German

Word Count & Price:Delivery time:
<500 words = £151 day
Up to 1000 words = £302 days
Up to 2000 words = £453 days

English to French

Word Count & Price:Delivery time:
<500 words = £151 day
Up to 1000 words = £262 days
Up to 2000 words = £513 days

English to Spanish

Word Count & Price:Delivery time:
<500 words = £151 day
Up to 1000 words = £262 days
Up to 2000 words = £513 days

English to Italian

Word Count & Price:Delivery time:
<500 words = £151 day
Up to 1500 words = £363 days
Up to 3000 words = £635 days

Step 3:

GEE Full Translation & Market Research

Our full Translation and market research service offers in depth translation research to find out what words have the best SEO on Amazon in each marketplace and accurate human translations, optimised with Amazon’s character limits in mind. 

Pros Cons
Research & Translations – We will research into the most used search terms and customise your translations accordingly. ✘ Most Expensive Option –  
expensive, yet effective. 
Accurate – Translations in native, human tongue to ensure that they come across accurately.  ✘ Time – Differs from project to project. 
​Local consumer insight from across Europe. 

The above requires more of a bespoke quote due to the product(s) in question requiring varying degrees of market research depending on what the product might be – because of this we can’t estimate a time frame for you until we know more information. If you are interested in this level of Translation please get in touch with us via our contact page.

Uploading Translated Listings onto respective Marketplaces.

Whether you’ve used us or another Native Translation, when it comes to actually list these Translated Products to their respective European Marketplaces – it can come with some hassle.

Many clients who do translation with us also ask if we would be able to upload the listings on their behalf to the EU marketplaces in which they have had their listing translated into.
We offer this supplementary service for a price of £150 per listing into all the marketplaces it was translated into.