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What is Limited Fiscal Representation, and should I do it?

What is Limited Fiscal Representation, and should I do it?

Due to the benefits of shipping into the Netherlands over other European countries, including easier customs clearance, and cheaper import, it has become a popular location for Sellers to VAT register. VAT Registrations are unfortunately not an instant process, as of right now submissions for the Netherlands are taking 3-6 weeks to process which significantly halts sellers in their efforts to get set up and start selling

This is where Limited Fiscal Representation comes in…


But what is limited fiscal representation?

A limited fiscal representative is a local entity which includes the foreign trader’s transactions in their own VAT reporting, hence there is no requirement for the trader to have a VAT registration in their own name. These types of representatives can only act on behalf of traders who are established outside of the Netherlands and can only be used in certain scenarios.

  • You do not have to register your company (yourself) in the Netherlands.
  • You do not have to set up and maintain VAT administration.
  • You do not have to pay the VAT directly upon import, this will be transferred to the VAT declaration of the representative. That saves on your cash flow.
  • There are two types of tax representation: limited and general representation.

With the dip in eCommerce activity Q1 will bring, use your newfound spare time to look at new opportunities that can make 2022 an even more successful year than the last. Europe has seen tremendous eCommerce growth and in order to capitalise on the chance for your business to reach millions of new consumers, use Limited Fiscal Rep to get yourself set up and selling as quickly as possible. 

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